Teaching Clustering Algorithms With EduClust: Experience Report and Future Directions

We share our experiences teaching university students about clustering algorithms using EduClust, an online visualization we developed.

EduClust supports professors in preparing teaching material and students in visually and interactively exploring cluster steps and the effects of changing clustering parameters.

We used EduClust for two years in our computer science lectures on clustering algorithms and share our experience integrating the online application in a data science curriculum.

We also point to opportunities for future development.

  author    = {Johannes Fuchs and
               Petra Isenberg and
               Anastasia Bezerianos and
               Matthias Miller and
               Daniel A. Keim and
               Beatriz Sousa Santos and
               Ginger Alford},
  title     = {{Teaching Clustering Algorithms With EduClust: Experience Report and Future Directions}},
  journal   = {{IEEE} Computer Graphics and Applications},
  volume    = {40},
  number    = {2},
  pages     = {98--102},
  year      = {2020},
  doi       = {10.1109/MCG.2020.2970560}