Matthias Miller
Data Analytics Consultant
Matthias Miller
I was born in Heilbronn-Neckargartach and grew up in Lauffen, a small city with beautiful vineyards in Baden-Württemberg, Germany. In 2011, I moved to Konstanz, located at the border to Switzerland, to study Computer Science. I completed my Bachelor's degree in 2016 () and my Master's degree in 2018 (). Immediately after my graduate studies, I started my PhD which I completed by April 2024.
During my time in Konstanz I met my gorgeous Céline, whom I got marred to in 2019. As of today, we located to Allensbach, a pretty town, with the Bodensee and the Alps around the corner, where we don't plan to leave very soon =).
By end of March 2024, I completed my role as Research Associate in the Data Analysis and Visualization Group at the University of Konstanz. I completed my Ph.D. (Dr. rer. nat.) with my Doctoral Defense on May 24, 2024, defending my dissertation titled "Visual Sheet Music Analytics".
In the meantime, I started to work as Research Engineer, IT Coordinator, and now also PostDoc as part of the IVIA Lab at ETH Zurich.
- Age 32
- Residence Konstanz, Germany
- e-mail mail@matthiasmiller.me
What I Do
Fun Facts
Doctoral Studies
Research Associate & PhD Candidate
at the Data Analysis and Visualization Group of Prof. Dr. Daniel Keim.
Thesis: "Visual Sheet Music Analytics" (100 MB)
Date of Doctoral Defense: May 24, 2024
Recording of Presentation: Doctoral Defense Talk on YouTube
PostDoc Position
PostDoc, Research Engineer, & IT Coordinator
at the IVIA Lab of Prof. Dr. Mennatallah El-Assady.
Data Analytics Consultant
Self-employed working as Data Analytics Consultant for EBZ Gruppe Ravensburg through the Steinbeis Competence Center for Interactive Data Analysis and Visualization.
Co-Founder / Developer
Development of HeartsArt, a market platform enabling painters and artists to present and share their artworks. HeartsArt was acquired in 2019. The original project is available on WebArchive (heartsart.de).
Scientific Assistant / Developer
Programming: Visualization of a Data Analysis Application called EduClust for Clustering Algorithms using D3 JavaScript Library and CSS/HTML
Teaching Assistance / Tutor
Correction & Implementation of Tutorials. Tutor for Computer Science I module (Computer Science Concepts & Object-Oriented Programming in Java) and Computer Science II module (Concepts of Programming - Functional Programming using Haskell as programming language).
Coding Skills
- Data Visualization
- Visual Analytics
- Programming
- Machine Learning
- Software Architecture
- Geo-Temporal Visualization
- Deep Learning
- Data Analysis
- Clustering
- Classification
- Algorithms
- Visual Musicology
Further Interests
- Programming
- Piano
- Music Theory
- Skiing
- Reading
- Technological Progress
- Artificial Intelligence
- Smart Home
- Swimming
- Acoustic Guitar
- Electric Guitar
- Accordion
- Solar Power
- Singing
- Physics
- Prompt Engineering
MULTI-CASE: A Transformer-based Ethics-aware Multimodal Investigative Intelligence Framework
arXiv | Computer Science > Human-Computer Interaction
Visualization of COVID-19 Incidences and Treatment Capacities with CoronaVis
Proc. of the Workshop on Visualization for Pandemic and Emergency Responses (Vis4PandEmRes), 2023
SkiVis: Visual Exploration and Route Planning in Ski Resorts
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
FS/DS: A Theoretical Framework for the Dual Analysis of Feature Space and Data Space
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
Doom or Deliciousness: Challenges and Opportunities for Visualization in the Age of Generative Models
Computer Graphics Forum, 2023
Visualisierung der COVID-19-Inzidenzen und Behandlungskapazitäten mit CoronaVis
Resilienz und Pandemie : Handlungsempfehlungen anhand von Erfahrungen mit COVID-19. Kohlhammer Verlag, pp. 176-189, 2022.
Promoting Ethical Awareness in Communication Analysis: Investigating Potentials and Limits of Visual Analytics for Intelligence Applications
Proceedings of FAcct '22 : 2022 ACM Conf. on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency, 2022
CorpusVis: Visual Analysis of Digital Sheet Music Collections
Computer Graphics Forum, 2022
Augmenting Digital Sheet Music through Visual Analytics
Computer Graphics Forum, 2022
GraphStateVis: Interactive Visual Analysis of Qubit Graph States and their Stabilizer Groups
IEEE Int. Conf. on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE), 2021
Teaching Clustering Algorithms With EduClust: Experience Report and Future Directions
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 2020
Toward Mass Video Data Analysis: Interactive and Immersive 4D Scene Reconstruction
Sensors; Special Issue Selected Papers from the Int. Conf. on Imaging for Crime Detection and Prevention, 2020
Augmenting Sheet Music with Rhythmic Fingerprints
Proc. of the Workshop on Visualization for the Digital Humanities (VIS4DH) at IEEE VIS 2020
Breaking the Curse of Visual Analytics: Accommodating Virtual Reality in the Visualization Pipeline
In Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications. VISIGRAPP 2019. Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol 1182. Springer, 2020
Computer Vision Meets Visual Analytics: Enabling 4D Crime Scene Investigation from Image and Video Data
Int. Conf. on Imaging for Crime Detection and Prevention (ICDP-2019)
The Future of Crime Scene Investigation
VICTORIA International Conference: Improving Video Analysis for a Safer Europe, ICDP 2019, London
Visual Pattern Analysis using Digital Sheet Music
Late Breaking/Demos of the International Conference on Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR) 2019
Framing Visual Musicology through Methodology Transfer
Proceedings of the Workshop on Visualization for the Digital Humanities (VIS4DH) at IEEE VIS 2019
Evaluating Ordering Strategies of Star Glyph Axes
Proceedings of the IEEE Visualization Conference (VIS), 2019
Augmenting Music Sheets with Harmonic Fingerprints (Best Paper Award)
The 19th ACM Symposium on Document Engineering, 2019
Visual Analytics of Volunteered Geographic Information: Detection and Investigation of Urban Heat Islands
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 2019
EduClust - A Visualization Application for Teaching Clustering Algorithms
Eurographics 2019 - Education Papers, 2019
Interactive Classification Using Spectrograms and Audio Glyphs
IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST Challenge 2018 MC1), 2018
Analyzing Visual Mappings of Traditional and Alternative Music Notation
Proc. of the Workshop on Visualization for the Digital Humanities (VIS4DH) at IEEE VIS 2018

CorpusVis: Visual Analysis of Digital Sheet Music Collections
Computer Graphics Forum, 2022
Augmenting Digital Sheet Music through Visual Analytics
Computer Graphics Forum, 2022
Augmenting Sheet Music with Rhythmic Fingerprints
Proc. of the Workshop on Visualization for the Digital Humanities (VIS4DH) at IEEE VIS 2020
Framing Visual Musicology through Methodology Transfer
Proceedings of the Workshop on Visualization for the Digital Humanities (VIS4DH) at IEEE VIS 2019
Augmenting Music Sheets with Harmonic Fingerprints (Best Paper Award)
The 19th ACM Symposium on Document Engineering, 2019
Analyzing Visual Mappings of Traditional and Alternative Music Notation
Proc. of the Workshop on Visualization for the Digital Humanities (VIS4DH) at IEEE VIS 2018